
What to Expect

What to Expect from Beck Hearing

The first step on your hearing health journey

If you are reading this, you probably already suspect that you or a loved one may be suffering from hearing loss.

The first step on your hearing health journey is to have your hearing evaluated by one of our specialists, to determine the extent of hearing loss (if any) and what steps can be taken to treat it. At Beck, your hearing evaluation and consultation is free of charge, with no commitment to purchase hearing aids.

Hearing Evaluation

Meeting with a Specialist

At the time of the hearing evaluation, a specialist will ask questions to determine how much your hearing problem impacts your day-to-day life, as well as the lives of your family. A complete history will be taken, and questions will be asked about when and how the hearing loss started, if there is ringing in your ears (tinnitus) and if you experience dizziness. You may also be asked some basic questions about your medical history, lifestyle, and specific needs.

Our hearing healthcare specialist will then perform a hearing test, where you will sit in a soundproof booth with headphones on, and press a button when you hear a tone.  The specialist will map out your results on an audiogram, which helps determine the depth of hearing loss, which frequencies you have more trouble hearing, and other measurements.

If your hearing test reveals a permanent hearing loss, a hearing aid may be recommended. Your hearing professional will explain what sounds you are not hearing and what hearing aids can do to help. You will be able to see and touch different styles of hearing aids, as well as listen with the help of a hearing aid. You can even bring them home and try them out in your everyday life.

Your hearing professional will help you choose the best hearing aid style, features and level of technology based on your degree of hearing loss, lifestyle, and financial circumstances. At Beck Hearing, we pride ourselves on having the best hearing solutions for every lifestyle and every budget, so we will work with you until we find the ideal devices for your needs.

If hearing aids are not required, an annual or semi-annual assessment schedule will be recommended, as well as any other advice pertaining to your unique needs.

What to Expect from Beck Hearing

Custom Hearing Solutions

If you receive a prescription for hearing aids, you will work with the specialist to choose the best style of hearing aids for you. Hearing aid form factors range from tiny, fully in-the-canal styles to those that sit behind the ear with only the receiver in the ear canal. The appropriate style will depend on your unique needs and comfort level.

If you select custom (in-the-ear) devices, or require a custom mold for a behind-the-ear hearing aid, our hearing professional will take impressions of your ear canals to send away to the manufacturer.  It usually takes about 2 weeks to receive the custom hearing aids, at which time you will come back into the clinic to have them programmed and fitted to meet your specific hearing needs. At this time, they can be adjusted until the sounds you hear are comfortable for you. If you select a behind-the-ear style and no customization is required, the time until your fitting appointment could be shorter. Either way, the specialist will ensure that you understand how to operate and care for your new devices, and will provide you with replacement batteries and any accessories you may have purchased.

Accessories include remote controls, remote microphones and TV streamers that allow sound to be streamed directly into your devices. If you are interested in any of these accessories, they will be demonstrated and explained for you at this appointment.  The specialist will also set up the appropriate app on your cell phone that you can use to control the settings of your hearing aids, or stream calls and audio.

Two weeks following the fitting appointment, you will come in for a follow-up.  This is a very important appointment, where the specialist makes sure the amplification levels are working for you, and reviews everything from prior appointments to ensure you remember everything.  If you need help with the app, any accessories, or the comfort of the hearing aids, this is when we go over everything again.  If you are satisfied, we will schedule an appointment for a clean & check in 6 months, but you are always welcome to come in at any time with questions or service requests.  Appointments are always free while the hearing aids are under warranty.

What to Expect from Beck Hearing
Custom Hearing Solutions

Once you make a decision, the hearing professional may take impressions of your ears if you selected custom hearing aids or behind-the-ear hearing aids that require earmolds. Hearing aids must usually be ordered from a manufacturer and then programmed by your hearing professional to meet your specific hearing needs. You will come into the office again when the hearing aids arrive, and our specialist will fit you with your new devices. At this time, they can be adjusted until the sounds you hear are comfortable for you. The specialist will also ensure that you understand how to operate and care for your new devices, and will provide you with replacement batteries and any accessories you may have purchased.

Accessories include remote controls, remote microphones and TV streamers that allow sound to be streamed directly into your devices. If you are interested in any of these accessories, they will also be demonstrated and explained for you at either appointment.

If you require a third visit to adjust your hearing aids or you need to speak with someone to refresh your memory on something, we are always happy to help. We will continue to provide free consultation and ongoing support for the rest of your hearing health journey; just give us a call with any questions!


Think you have hearing loss? Book your free hearing test with Beck!

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